I fell upon this video...
Then I went to my English class where I watched this video...
After that, I found this video while doing homework...
Long story short, I have had the Inception theme music in my head all day. It has been accompanying my life through each class, every meal, every walk to and from class, and in my room.
For those of you who don't know me, dreams are a big part of my life. I can remember my dreams very well (most of the time) and those dreams have a significant impact on the way I conduct myself. My dreams have put me on emotional roller coasters that I have no business being on.
What is so sneaky about dreams? It happens when you are asleep, when you are caught unawares. [Now I'm not talking "daydreams" here] When you are asleep, many of your sensory (and some other) neurons are turned off. This would explain the dream where one is naked because your sensory neurons that normally feel clothing are turned off and aren't sending the signal to your brain that "I feel clothes on me." This "lack of message" is transmitted into the dream and since you don't feel the clothes on you, you don't have any on.
This leads to one of the theories of dreaming: that your brain fires random neurons to keep the neurons "sharp." Neurons are like muscles, you need to exercise them to make them stronger and better. Your brain "exercises" them by firing them while you are asleep and your brain also interprets those random firings as dreams by connecting the random firings of neurons to certain sequences of neuron firings that "encode" memories.
Another theory is the problem solving theory. That you dream to help work through problems. This theory definitely has some truth to it because I have worked out problems in my dreams in the past. Granted the way I worked it out in the dream isn't the proper way to handle real life circumstances but it still was a way to work it out!
The last theory is that dreaming is for wish fulfillment. This is the Freudian idea and because of that I refer you to someone who has read Freud's book...zak...or the book itself.
So that is my side comment on dreams.
Brandon likes it in his dreams. (FOGHORN)
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