2010 is no more.
So now I've been thinking about my doorbell. I've been thinking about who or what is going to ring it this year.
I had a lot of things and people ring my doorbell last year. (One could say I had my bell rung several times)
Everything that happened last year ~ it is what it is.
The good and the bad, the sweet and the sour, all of it is in the past. But when I take a long enough look at it all, a lot of fantastic things have happened to me and I am extremely grateful for each and every one of them.
But on to the new, the inevitable, the exciting, the unexplored frontier. That is why I like the future. It is ready for me to uncover, discover, or create. No one has explored it before me. Leif Erickson didn't see it before I did. Watson and Crick didn't discover it before me. I get to discover it all on my own.
And I've got a good feeling about 2011...
I've got some decent resolutions that I can keep.
I'm lacing up the old skates for a new season of hockey (this time in South Bend).
I've got a renewed sense of purpose.
But most of all...
I feel like something beautiful is just around the corner.
a) I love the white stripes ref
ReplyDeleteb) i will ring your doorbell, wink.